Super Tough Nylon
Grades: Ardlon® ASZ4 & BSZ4
Polyamide 6 or 66 are also called PA6 or PA66. Their nature of high toughness and high mechanical strength as well as anti-friction or oil resistance are generally approved. Especially when under moisture, the hi-impact strength is extremely high. While, during dry condition and low temperature, the hi-impact strength is quite low and water absorption rate is much high.
Due to the above defects appeared at the low temperature, PA application becomes limited. Owing to the marketing demand and competition, material performance is required more critical. Mono polymer PA becomes less competitive when compared with alloy PA or modified PA. ASZ4 and BSZ4, hi-impact nylon is therefore provided by Ardlon®.
Modified Polyamides 6 and 66, Ardlon super tough, hi-impact grades, Ardlon® ASZ4 and BSZ4 are developed successfully and effectively to improve Nylon with anti-cold, hi-impact and high toughness. Their properties are as under:
-Super Tough property
-Excellent hi-impact property
-Low temperature and weather resistance under – 40℃
-Easy processing and good flow ability enable high productivity
-Outdoor exposure resistance
-Excellent break resistance among wide range of temperature and humidity
-Outstanding fatigue resistance and high strength of bending and flexibility
-Dry blending with Nylon 6 or Nylon 66 for anti-cold and hi-impact
-Ski binding or Snow board base
-Electrical items: Connector, Reel bobbin, Timer,
-Automotive parts: Radiator fan, Door handle, Gas cap, Light seat
-Bicycle parts, pedal,
-Power tools components
-Machinery and electrical hardware
Data Sheet:
ASZ4-BSZ4 Data Sheet
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Product Applications
We offer: plastic extrusion molding, plastic injection molding - [WIN Young, Ltd.] - plastic extrusion molding production, the production of plastic injection molding, plastic extrusion export, export plastic injection
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