ADD 台南市山上區新莊里五鄰新庄80號 |
06-578-1398 料進出貨處 |
FAX 06-578-1396 |
We offer: plastic extrusion molding, plastic injection molding - [WIN Young, Ltd.] - plastic extrusion molding production, the production of plastic injection molding, plastic extrusion export, export plastic injection
ADD 743 台南市山上區新莊里五鄰新庄80號 TEL 06-578-1398 料進出貨處 | 06-589-9077 帳單寄送處 FAX 06-578-1396 No. 80, Xinzhuang, Shanshang Dist., Tainan City 743, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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