(Transparent Nylon, Nylon Elastomer, Extrusion Nylon, Glass & Mineral filled Nylon)
WIN YOUNG continually endeavors its research and development of new material related to Nylon compounds. Transparent nylon is applied in oil contained measurement tube, Nylon elastomer is to replace traditional applying of PU, moreover, we have high viscosity Nylon for multi-layer blown film as well as all combinations of glass filled and mineral filled Nylon. Adding with amorphous Nylon application, hundreds of material therefore become available here in WIN YOUNG.
Product Applications
We offer: plastic extrusion molding, plastic injection molding - [WIN Young, Ltd.] - plastic extrusion molding production, the production of plastic injection molding, plastic extrusion export, export plastic injection
ADD 743 台南市山上區新莊里五鄰新庄80號 TEL 06-578-1398 料進出貨處 | 06-589-9077 帳單寄送處 FAX 06-578-1396 No. 80, Xinzhuang, Shanshang Dist., Tainan City 743, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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